Author archive for Lauri Veerde

  • The TalTech virtual tour got an updated design and got bigger

    November 7, 2019

    The TalTech virtual tour update announced today brings new locations, a more convenient user interface and an even more polished design than before.

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • New virtual tour: Tallinn youth centers

    October 22, 2019

    How to show children and teenagers that the youth center is a really nice place to spend their free time? Of course, it would be best for them to...

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • Estonian Maritime Academy

    August 13, 2019

    Anyone who has been to the northern tip of the Kopli peninsula in Tallinn probably knows this majestic-looking limestone building. In the second decade of the last century…

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • The TalTech virtual tour was awarded an Honorable Mention by the Awwwards design awards website

    March 22, 2019

    Awwwards, a portal that brings together the world's best web designs, rated TalTech's virtual tour as worthy of an Honorable Mention diploma. The virtual tour was recognized by the jury primarily for its innovative approach...

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • New virtual tour: Estonian University of Life Sciences

    July 30, 2018

    You can now get to know the Tartu Nature House with the help of a virtual exhibition. The newly completed exhibition or virtual tour was prepared in cooperation between TUUR and Tartu Loodusmaja and...

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • Tartu nature house virtual exhibition

    June 21, 2018

    You can now get to know the Tartu Nature House with the help of a virtual exhibition. The newly completed exhibition or virtual tour was prepared in cooperation between TUUR and Tartu Loodusmaja and...

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel
  • New virtual tour: Tallink Megastar

    December 29, 2017

    The largest shopping center in the Baltic Sea, numerous pubs and restaurants, various lounges and much more await you on Megastar, which will make the trip from Tallinn to Helsinki...

    Virtuaaltuurid, 360 fotod ja videod - maailmatasemel